How to Get What You Want


Decide on a purpose! In other words, know where you want to go. If you do not know where you are going, how can you get there? Your "purpose" may not be apparent at first, but the sooner you know, the better chance you will have of achieving it.

Set goals! Secrets to effective goal setting include: they must be realistic and time based....that is,when do you want it by? Write your goals down! Believe it or not, when you write your goals down, the odds of achieving them are greatly increased.

Be prepared! Plan! When you know what you want, develop a plan to get what you want. If you don't know "how" you are going to get what you want, how will you get it?

Be persistent! Bumps in the road are inevitable. Meet challenges not as obstacles that can not be overcome, rather as just temporary inconveniences. 

Develop and maintain positive character traits. Be confident, maintain integrity, take responsibility, show initiative, be a team player.